2009 Objectives

something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish

This Year with God, I will...

 - Read His Word and Pray multiple times throughout my day

 - Practice the Spiritual discipline of Journaling.

 - Raise funds for and participate on an OUS Missions Trip

 - Take five seminary classes

 - Expand my Biblical teaching opportunities at ICCC.

This Year with My Family, I will...


- Pray daily with Jennifer & our Children

 - Memorize scripture as a family

 - Dedicate one night a week to “Family Night”

 - Grow our farm by adding 2 hogs.

This Year with my Friends and Colleagues, I will...

 - Ask to be held accountable to my 3-year plan

 - Pray for and with them in the moment

 - Continue to invite them to table fellowship

- Lead a small group on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month.